Optical Illusions

how amusing are national currencies?



are we stupid?

meaning or purpose?
Why does it seem magical to be alive?

the beauty in youth

is the truth like checkmate?
we move without a central tether… manifolds, not points, of view

anagrammatical pears
time sweeps ambition further onward

your body will tell you
Is pure randomness the language of the universe?

who speaks us does not grok us

notions of self
what defines the “unit” they’re counting?

your time cannot be stolen if your attention is free to wonder

who has the idea?
The greatest impediment that now exists is the continuity illusion of humans as the defining arbiter of purpose

apparent discretion
It’s like the certainty of calling a chair a chair. You are sure of it, it is guaranteed. Yet it is but a tautology.
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